Apostle Dr. Francis Blake Akwaboah is mightily man being used by God in the Prophetic, Healing and Deliverance Ministries. His Ministry is also known as the ministry of the book of Acts because of the great undeniable signs and wonders which happens in the Name of Jesus with accuracy and precision.
Apostle Dr. Francis Blake Akwaboah is the Head Pastor of Christian Hope Ministries Worldwide
His mandate and passion is to see thousands of souls saved in these last days. His Ministry’s emphasis is on Salvation, Prayer and a strong Personal Relationship with God. Also, to declare the authenticity of God’s Word with Power and Grace.

Apostle Dr. Francis Blake Akwaboah is an excellent teacher of the Word of God, a man filled with the Power of the Holy Ghost. He is endowed with the prophetic gift of the Spirit of God. His ministry is characterised with word of knowledge, healing, deliverance and signs and wonders.
He is a Prophet by calling, a Man of Prayer with Positive Charisma, Integrity and the Fear of the Lord. A dynamic-end time Man of God who possesses a powerful anointing and leaves a spiritual awe upon all those who are blessed to be with him in Ministry and bringing salvation to many and setting the captives free.
Below are few testimonies we recorded at church on Sunday
Elder Dwamna shared an incredible testimony about how God blessed him and his wife with the fruit of the womb after coming in contact with Apostle Akwaboah
“We have been trying to have a baby for over five years of marriage, we tried everything but my wife couldn’t conceive. We went to all the best hospitals and specialists for a solution to our problems, all to no avail. At the hospital, we were examined and cross-examined and at the end of the day, it yielded no results. I was confused and received different advice from friends and family. The cycle of disappointment continued until I was introduced to the Christian Hope Ministries Worldwide, I came for the ‘Working Power of Miracles Services’ and while the prayer was going on, the man of God Apostle Francis Akwaboah called my wife and I out, though we were not seated together but I was surprised when he called the two of us together at once. He Prophesied and mentioned the root of our bareness and after his prayers; we got our long-awaited miracle. A month later, my wife was feeling sick and went to consult a doctor. He told her the good news; you are pregnant! Our God given daughter is now 2 years old, named Precious, a year later, we had another girl, named Victoria”. You can clearly see it is God’s Grace. We want to deeply thank the Lord Almighty for this gift. We will serve Him all the days of our lives. May He add more years to his servant; Apostle Dr. Francis Akwaboah, in Jesus’ Name.
Monday, February 22, 2016, will remain the happiest day in the life of Vivian. Reason? That was the day she miraculously gave birth to a baby girl after 4 years of being pregnant. Having been to many places in search of spiritual solution to her problem, all to no avail. On the very day she stepped foot in the Christian Hope Ministries Worldwide’s auditorium, she was delivered. As directed by the Holy Ghost, she was called by the Man of God, Apostle Dr. Francis Akwaboah and was prayed for. In less than an hour, Vivian recounted “I became unconscious for about 15 minutes and when I regained consciousness, I heard the cry of a baby. I was surprised and confused seeing my baby. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Apostle Akwaboah is truly God sent, without paying a pesewa (cent or kobo) God answered my prayer. Apostle Dr. Francis Akwaboah is indeed a Prophet of the living God and I thank God for my life and that of my baby
Nana Akosua from Tema was under the bondage of asthma for six long years, depending daily on medication to breathe normally.
“I have been suffering from Asthma for the past 6years (since 2009) when I was 22 years old. Because of this disease, I have been falling sick often, especially if I carried anything heavy, walked a long distance or had exposure to dust or cold weather. Similarly, whenever I suffered any other ailment, the attack would be triggered. I have been on 2 sets of medication; preventive and curative.
I couldn’t stay for even two hours breathing normally before the symptoms set in.
“I heard my friends giving testimonies of the Lord’s doing through Apostle Akwaboah. The following Tuesday, I accompanied them to the church, Christian Hope Ministries Worldwide, I was prayed for by the man of God and I remember him telling me that the Lord has healed me. So the following day I decided not to take the inhaler. I just told myself that I would not know if the Lord had healed me if I continued taking drugs. Little did I know I was already healed, just according to the word of my Papa, Apostle Dr. Francis Blake Akwaboah. I have stopped taking all medication and inhalers and I breathe freely! Praise be to the Most-High God, I am healed!”
Another member also came to testify how after ten years of joblessness he finally landed a job after praying with Apostle Dr. Francis Akwaboah. Nana graduated from the medical school in 2002 but could not find any job.
Initially, he thought that the situation was going to last a couple of months but one unsuccessful search for employment led to many more rejections that would span over a period of ten years. Life was tough and difficult for him, during those years of his unemployment, he was unable to take care of his family let alone pay his children’s school fees.
But until he came in contact with the Man of God, his word was very short and simple, he said go for 3 days fasting and prayers, which I obeyed and a week after my fasting of prayes, I was offered a lucrative mouth watering contact I never applied for. Now, he has a car and owns land and a visible transformation of status.
His advice to people is that when you believe, miracles happen. Believe and take a step of faith. Believe God’s Prophet, Apostle Dr. Francis Akwaboah
Christian Hope Ministries Worldwide is located at Dansoman Akuko Photo, Accra Ghana.
Tel: 0244 944683, 0540738084
Time of Worship
Sunday: 8am – 11am
Tuesday: 8am – 1pm
Thursday: 8am – 12:30pm