An Apostolic Trailblazer, Outstanding Preacher and a Prophetic Phenomenon, Meet Apostle Josiah Aubin Jr

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Apostle Josiah Aubin Jr

Sharp in the Prophetic, versed in the Word, Graced for Exploits, Apostle Josiah Aubin Jr continues to touch lives and bring the Reality of the Person of Jesus Christ to men and women from every walk of life.
And still, there is more to the Story of this gifted but humble servant of God. Growing under the influence of his mentor and Spiritual Father Rev. Josiah Aubin, he has blossomed into one of the finest ministers through service and consistent spiritual development.

He started as a base guitarist playing for the love of serving God. Many preachers noticed him as the young unassuming guitarist who would play at their programs for nothing aside a simple “God bless you”.

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Rev. Josiah Aubin

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Apostolic Trailblazer
Just as his life and ministry were boosted by impartation from an able mentor, he has become by Grace a shining light and example for a teaming army of believers in the nation.
His first assignment as minister was to carry the vision of Power Victory Chapel to the University of Ghana where he read accounting (graduating with First Class Honors).
By dedicated leadership he established successfully a branch of the ministry while combining school and ministry.unnamed Moving on, he established what has come to be known as the City of Grace (Power Victory Chapel – Grace Temple), which now serves as one of a Zonal headquarters for the ministry, overseeing two other branches – Faith Temple and Legon Campus Ministry (both of which sprouted under his leadership).
Prophetic Phenomenon

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Apostle Josiah with wife Rita Aubin

unnamed (9) For a man who wasn’t too enthused about the prophetic ministry in his early days as a minister’s son, he handles the office quite remarkably.
His honest desire was simply to have depth in the delivery of God’s Word and to move in the same simplicity the men he looked up to moved in. But it seemed heaven had other plans for this young minister as God begun to speak to him even as a young student in his days on the University of Ghana Campus.unnamed (10) Over the years he has matured into one of the sharpest prophetic voices you will find in these regions of Africa. The accuracy of his prophetic ministration can seldom be overstated.
The detailed nature of his prophetic delivery commands a certain reverence amongst his admirers and has established him as a voice in a number of social circles.
He has prophesied concerning international disasters like plane crashes, ship wrecks, floods, and terrorist attacks. The latest of these was a prophetic word he gave during the 11th anniversary celebration of Power Victory Chapel concerning a bomb attack on Somalia which was fulfilled in less than 24 hours.unnamed (7) His gift in the prophetic has propelled his rise in Christiandom and made him many a Christian’s toast of a preacher.
Outstanding Preacherunnamed (12) All who have sat at any point under his ministry have witnessed an uncanny ability in the area of Bible text exegesis.
His unique way of presenting the Gospel of God’s Grace has earned him the title “WORDSHIPPER” which goes to further established his place as a gifted preacher.
Amongst the most famous sermons he has delivered you’d fine “Let there be Light” and “The Dangers of Compromise”, messages you can get at the PVC Grace Temple bookshop.
Added to all the impressive details given about Apostle Josiah is the fact that he is also a very studious character; an old student of Presbyterian Boys Secondary School (Presec-Legon) who holds a BSc. Admin – Accounting (First Class) and an MSc. Development Finance both from the University of Ghana Business School.unnamed (1) He is a passionate learner driven to improve himself in a bid to be relevant in every circle for the advancement of the message of Grace. He is currently pursuing a Master of Arts Degree in Ministry from Trinity Theological Seminary.
It would amaze you to know that the said minister of God is also a banker. He currently works with Access Bank, one of the leading banks in the country.
Husband & Father Apostle Josiah Aubin is very happily married to the ever dashing Lady Mrs. Rita Aubin (a fantastic preacher herself), with a beautiful one year old daughter – Kuukua Krampah Aubin-Frimpong.
He combines ministry, corporate, school and married life will incredible skill and dexterity. I must say his life is simply an exhibition of pure unadulterated Grace from God.
Expect him in your city soon………………………………

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