Baby Bump Expressions Is Very Irritating—Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie has responded to the Black Lives Matter movement, and motherhood that she had kept hidden from the public.

“Black meant something and that this something wasn’t a necessarily good thing,” Adichie said, and added that the Black Lives Matter movement is “raising awareness to something that has existed in America for a very long time.” She added.

She finally revealed why she had to keep her pregnancy away from the public “I wanted my pregnancy to be something I shared with the people I love, with the people who know me,” Adichie said, “There is a kind of pregnancy as a trendy thing that I find very uncomfortable with, and I deeply dislike expressions like ‘baby bump’. I find it very irritating.”

“It was a very deeply introspective time, thinking about (how) my life is going to change forever and the enormousness of bringing a baby into the world,” she continued, adding that “it was a sacred time for me and I wanted to share it with the people I love.”

“I want her to be normal and ordinary,” Adichie said, ” I don’t want her to think it is normal to have her picture in newspapers, because it is not. Just because of your
mother happens to write and sometimes have her pictures in the newspapers, doesn’t mean you get to.”

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