• Your Challenges Are The Cast-Foundation And Pillars That Will Firm Your Glory… God Is Constructing You, Not Destroying You – Rekeita Bradford
Born without a silver spoon, raised by a single mother, cast down many times, Rekeita, a strong-willed African-American Lady, has emerged above all her travails to become an established and celebrated author, a widely-acknowledged Prophetess of God and world travelled motivational speaker.

No one who is abreast with the post slave trade abolition era need to be told about what life was like, and to some extent still is today, for the African-Americans generally, especially in the Southside of Chicago and some parts of Mississippi… dreams and aspirations of most young people (blacks) were smashed under the boots of institutionalized racial discrimination and segregation against the coloured people by their white counterparts. Coloured people (African-Americans) were seen and acclaimed to be people just good enough for menial and dehumanizing jobs like being chauffeurs for the rich whites, tending gardens in the homes of the rich whites – (for male), looking after the kids of the whites – nanny – (for female) etc. Not much has changed, really, in this conceptualized perception of the white Americans about the coloured people, although things are not exactly the same today. Does the afore painted situation give any idea of the kind of circumstances under which Rekeita grew up? Now let’s meet her.

Family Background: Rekeita Bradford was born in Tallulah, Louisiana in the United States of America. However, she was raised in Greenville, Mississippi, another state in USA, by her single mother after her father suddenly disappeared from their (she and mother) life into the thin air. Her growing up in the household at Greenville, Mississippi, was tumultuous, to say the least. Faced with the horrifying experience she found herself in, Rekeita began to read the Holy Bible day and night, and in the process, she came to find solace and solemnity in the Bible Book of the ‘Songs of Solomon’, an experience which inspired her to start writing poetry at the tender age of 10. The Bible Book of the ‘Songs of Solomon’ awakened the talent of creative writing in her at that age.
At the age of 15years, Rekeita Bradford had become more conscious of herself and her dreams, and, determined to create a purpose for her life, her mother moved to the city of Las Vegas in Nevada, USA, where she was enrolled in a High School to further her education but dropped out only a year after. Despite all these pitfalls in her life, Rekeita was still undaunted. She, shortly after dropping out of High School, received her GED and proceeded to complete a Cosmetology course in another school. From then on, she began to use her Cosmetology knowledge and skill to encourage her fellow young women to embrace their inner beauty and not just the outer appearance. This experience set her on the turbulent road out of dungeon to stardom.

Divine Calling: All the challenges Rekeita Bradford went through, notwithstanding, she never for once lose sight of the word of God. She continued to read the Bible and build her faith in God, having been baptized at 12. This act eventually culminated in her divine calling into the Lord’s vineyard to minister the word of God and liberate and encourage God’s flock.. Although Rekeita did not have a full understanding of what her calling was, she went on to form Women with Vision and Lifeline Beauty Consulting. It took her seven more years from then before she fully submitted to the will of God in her life, ministering the word of God and liberating thousands of people from the age of 28 years old. Further on, Rekeita became a licensed minister of God at the age of 32, a co-pastor of Believers Center International Ministries at 33 and a Prophetess at the age of 35. Today, she is a full-time Minister of God, traversing the world, preaching and imparting millions of lives – men, women and children – with the word of God.

Marriage/Family Life: It can’t really be said that Rekeita Bradford has had a checkered marriage, and it can’t be said that she has had a blissful marriage either. One year after she became a licensed Minister of God, at the age of 32, Rekeita got married to a Pastor, but the marriage lasted for only three years. She got divorced from her marriage at the age of 36 years old. Right now, Rekeita is happily married to the Lord Jesus Christ, doing the work of God, and present marriage is full of bliss.
Her Book: Interestingly, Rekeita Bradford’s divine calling and her dogged commitment to the ministration of the word of God have not made her forget her creative writing talent. She has advanced from writing poetry (poems) to writing reality Christian Christian Literature. Her latest book – ‘Constructed for Glory’, with the sub-title: ‘Built to Stand’, is a classic example of an autobiography.
In ‘Constructed for Glory’, a must read current best seller, Rekeita tells her own tales; her travails, from the very cradle of her life, the seemingly unsurmountable difficulties that she went through and how, with the help of God, she was able to push on, persevere under all hardships without ever thinking of giving up as an option, and now, she is a victor over all her hitherto travails and no longer their victim.
‘My book, ‘Constructed for Glory’, is currently imparting millions of people all over the world, and it is doing so far much more than I thought it would. It empowers anyone who reads it, especially women, to build their faith in God and never lose sight of their life purpose. It leaves people with no excuse after reading it. Often, the final comment of anyone who reads ‘Constructed for Glory’ and walks with me in some of my most traumatizing and devastating moments is: ‘If she could come back from all of that, sure I can overcome my pitfalls,’ she said.