Bragtag child care foundation turns gently used goods into treasure. And what greater treasure exists than the future of a child? Bragtag child care foundation collects both new and used clothing & household items and distribute to various orphanages in Ghana.
Have you ever wished you could give back to your community, but couldn’t find the time? With the Bragtag child care foundation, making a difference has never been easier!
Today, more than ever, you can help your neighbors and communities in need by donating new and old clothes and other gently used household items to Bragtag child care foundation.
Your clothing donations make a big difference to children in ophanage homes and rural cities. Clothing donations can provide an individual with the clothes. Donating clothing can enable a child to prosper at school among her peers.
What Kinds of Stuffs Can I Donate?
We welcome all kinds of donations. Donate a new warm coat or the ones you’re not wearing anymore. Donate clothes that your children have outgrown. Donate shoes and sandals in good condition. Donate maternity clothes. Donate baby clothes and other nursery essentials to help a young family provide a better start for their newborn. Donate the clothes that always find their way to the back of your drawer. Donate shorts, dresses, jackets, and shirts. Donate educational supplies (textbooks, exercise books, pencils, pens, color pencils, crayons, mathematical sets, paper, erasers, chalk .etc), computers, printers, games, storybooks, poster colors and any other school supplies.
You can also donate Cash, households’ goods, electronics, toys, sporting and exercise equipment.
Any donations that you wish to make, we will ensure that you are sent a report and presentation of exactly what your contributions went towards.
Please do not hesitate to contact us by call, sms or whatsApp (+233 (0) 543664440) if you have any questions about material or cash donations, or would like to send something to Ghana.
Since our aim is to cater for children especially the orphans and the less privileged, we find it essential to involve stakeholders, Ministries, Policy makers and Key players in the country, the media, as well as individuals who believe in our vision and would want to support us.
We would be most grateful if you or your organization will sponsor us,leaving your name in the sands of history to have been involved in such a worthy cause.
We believe that your support and partnership with Bragtag Childcare Foundation would go a long way to sustain the general stability required in the country to achieve the set objectives.
Your organization can make this your corporate social responsibility for year and beyond. For all organizations who provide sponsorship in whatever form we will offer certain benefits for your company by inscripting your company logo on our banners, posters, tickets , fliers and acknowledging your company at all stages event. In addition, your company will also be mentioned in our radio and television interviews.
Your early and positive response to our sponsorship request would be very much appreciated.

Please kindly contact the director Madam Millicent Owusu for clarifications on this +233 (0) 543664440.
You can make your cash donation to:
Name: Bragtag childcare foundation
Account number: 2090325986815
Bank: Fidelity Bank
Branch: IPS, Legon Accra Ghana
Bragtag child care foundation
To Reach out to the the world at large
It is a non-profit organization,and is our mission to serve the best interest of children without parental care
•Raising Resources To Support the Needy Children in all aspects
•To Embark on Sanitation Projects To Improve Health
•To Provide Medical Care and Assist Children in Need
•Providing Rural Water Supply
•To motivate and mobilize
the communities to participate in the new Socio-Economic Development including Family Planning,Health,Education
Fb: bragtag childcare foundation
IG: @bragtagchildcarefoundation