Dr Mike Okonkwo: The Race Has Begun

‘’Observe people who are good at their work – skilled workers are always in demand and admired; they don’t take a backseat to anyone.’’ Prov. 22:29 {MSG}

Dearly beloved, it is with great joy that I welcome you back from the Christmas and New Year celebrations. We truly thank God for granting journey mercies to all who travelled during the holidays. We do not take it for granted at all.

I come your way today to encourage you to take your place because the race has already begun. I believe you have already taken stock of the past year, and you may have discovered certain things you didn’t do well. Now is the time to position yourself to do things better this New Year. When you take a cue from the story of creation, you would notice that God did not subscribe to the status-quo which was darkness. He took a decision to do something about the {status-quo} darkness and when He was done, He looked at what He had created and declared that it was good. In other words, He affirmed that He had put in His best. He found fulfillment in what He had done. He saw that His work was excellent.

Beloved, part of your goal should be to strive for excellence always. God’s intention is that you would do your work this year the way He would have worked if He were in your shoes. The scriptures record concerning Jesus that ‘’He did all things well.’’ When you begin to display the excellence that is required from a child of God, you make it very easy for the gospel to penetrate your work environment because you are the ‘Jesus’ the people know and you are the ‘bible’ they read.

Child of God, let me remind you that everywhere you go this year, your assignment as a believer is to plant the kingdom. Let people look at you and seek the God you serve whether at work or in church. Let your light so shine that men will see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. Put to practice from Monday to Saturday what you learnt on Sunday. You know that the word of God is practical and achievable. It is not a theory or myth so always dare to make the difference.

Let me also add that God has given to every person gifts, talents and abilities so that every person can contribute his or her own quota to the kingdom. What that simply means is that every person is wired for something. Beloved, there is a place for you to function in the kingdom agenda. Your responsibility is to find your place and fulfill destiny. Remember that it is the hand of the diligent that bears rule. {Proverbs 12:24} The days of just warming the seats are over. Get involved at the Group level and join a Ministry Arm of your choice. That is one way to get committed. You must be busy. I encourage you to jump on board and let us do the work together. Find your place and begin to serve, because God has given you a specific talent for a specific purpose.

Beloved, take a quality decision this year that someone must benefit from your gifting. You can start from your little corner. If you enjoy singing, start from your group meetings, if you feel inclined to administration, start helping in your group or fellowship to put structures in place. That is a good way to developing your gift and pretty soon, what started small would snowball to the glory of God. Don’t fold your hands and think you are not important, because everyone will certainly give account of the talent before the giver of all talents.
As I close, let me assure you that He who brought you into the New Year will keep and sustain you. I declare that every day of this year, light will shine for you, from out of darkness. You will not be small. 2017 will yield her increase for you. You will take your portion in the land. It will happen for you speedily. I will hear your testimony. I bless you.
In His Royal Service

Dr. Mike Okonkwo
The Presiding Bishop

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