Where ever there is lawlessness, there is little or no progress. Africans have trans-generational lawlessness. If you want to fail in life, partner an African. Why? Their lawlessness will deform you. There are witches everywhere but witches in Africa do well. Why?? We are true vessels for them. African hate laws and structures of governance in life. The question is why do we have all the natural resources in Africa but still poor? The answer is simply LAWLESSNESS. Africans don’t regard laws. The coloured (whites) are not better than the blacks but the fact is Africans are not regulated and don’t want to be regulated. Lawless is a spirit of witchcraft. It comes in so many forms. Eg. Lateness, jealousy(James 3:16)etc. Lawlessness is the reason why witchcraft in Africa are doing well. Law in simple terms is the source for results. Now, ask yourself if the source of results is lawless, weak or broken what good can come from there. In fact, witchcraft does well there is lawlessness. What is lawlessness then? It means disobedience to law, order, control and other acts of indiscipline (1 Sam 15:23). Why are the whites successful than the dark skin? They are law abiding. Note that greatness is attained through laws and regulations. What are the benefits or uses of law? *for promotion, *increase *exaltation, *greatness, *glorious future etc. Lastly, ask yourself the time you go to work and the time you leave. Are you also sure you don’t use working hours for your personal business, chat, watch movies? Are you sure you don’t commit traffic violations? Just to mention a few… The saddest part is that an African is happy in lawlessness. What a pity!!! Beloved,until we change our mentality and halt certain bad practices our country cannot experience any change. Lawlessness stagnates progress. Everything on this earth operate by laws so if laws are not adhere to, what future have you and I? Please, don’t be a medium for witchcraft operations through lawlessness. Be blessed!!

About the Author
An Author, Motivator and Conference speaker, Emmanuel Badu Kobi is one of the most respected and sought-after ministers in Ghana.
He is widely regarded as a visionary leader and bridge-builder. His ability to transcend Race, Tribe and Creed with his unique approach to ministry has seen to the forging of many strategic relationships between the church and secular communities in Africa. He has a burning passion to see the rehabilitation of his generation, his nation and his continent.
He is the founder, Senior Pastor and Prelate presiding over the Glorious Wave church International, headquartered in Accra.
He is also the Founder and President of the GLORIOUS FOUNDATION; a charity based organization committed to social reformation, education, provision of healthcare and relief work for the downtrodden and disadvantaged in Ghana and West Africa.

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