Life is about being useful not wasteful. It saddens my heart when I see some young people wasting their time and resources available to them on drugs and crime. Unfortunately, some young people think and assume that contribution to the society is not their responsibility but to those who are rich and wealthy. In view of this some think they have nothing else to do or offer.
To those who even assume responsibility think they have to get involved in crime, drugs and other guns to get money to provide for themselves or support their families. I personally think that is a wrong ideology. The youth need to know that they don’t have to rob the bank to add to society or be relevant. They need to understand that, every little thing they do can contribute greatly to their communities and society. They don’t have to have millions of pounds or cedis to make a difference. All they need is their little kindness, positive thinking, changes in their attitude to life, money and fame and to embrace diligence and responsibilities so as to become useful and not useless.
They should be discouraged from being envious about the wealth of those parading themselves as billionaires and prosperity preachers. I learnt a billionaire has been arrested in Nigeria.
This individual confessed that, “He graduated from being an arm robber to a billionaire kidnapper”. Evans as he is popularly known broke down in cell without his money, cars, whatever he used to boast about.
My advice to the young is this; this world has nothing to offer us than what we offer it. Our lifestyle and desires have the tendency to determine our destination in life.
Let’s not be hurry to be rich in a short time. Most often, things gained in haste, evaporate like a smoke or melt like snow freak.
Please, no matter how hard things get to you, learn to be patient with life. Each and every one of us has our time, moments and season to be what the destiny giver has destined us.
Don’t rush to be rich in the expense of others, church members, friends and vulnerable people in your life or around you. Today, Evans Chukwudemeje George Onmuamadike is spending his life in prison.
These days many young people are rushing to be rich, popular and wealthy without paying the price of hardworking, discipline and diligence.
They want to become like some prosperity preachers they see on national televisions. They want to be popular in the eyes of the media and want to be famous like their favourite musicians thinking success and fame are like seasonal flu they can catch.
Some have become so lazy and indiscipline; comparing themselves with so called celebrities they don’t even know how they make their money and what they have even sacrificed to be what and who they are.
Life will only give you what you have invested in. Zero multiple by zero is equal to zero. If you are failing to invest in yourself by discovering your inbuilt talents, developing and deploying it to add value to society, you will automatically receive nothing.
We must arise to educate and teach the youth of today to be industrious with their talents or gift as leaders or youth workers. God only rewards the diligence not the lazy one.
Warren Buffett, Rick Warren, Bill Gates, Amancia Ortega, Jeff Bezos, Charles Koch, Mark Zuckerberg among others were people who were committed and sacrificial to their dreams.
The Bible says, “The earth will yield its increase to those who praise the Lord with their talents.
Here are some few ways in which the young people can do to be useful with their lives and make positive difference in life.
The youth must know that, to be rich and successful in this life, they need to…
1. Learn to wake early and invest time in developing themselves into what they want to become and by being proactive.
2. They need get into networking. Good networking helps to discover ones niche and interest. Some have Facebook to associate with the right people, not only showing their naked bodies to men and women out there who will
eventually take advantage of their bodies and dump them useless.
3. They need your keep themselves busy doing something with their time. People who become successful in life were those who got busy pursuing their dreams and aspirations. No one become rich and wealthy by wasting time and being lazy with their talents and gifts. Get busy and the world will get busy looking for you.
4. Must learn to set goal and pursue it tirelessly. Amazing how many young people want to become successful and rich but don’t have goals or aims. Setting goal in life helps you to be organized and determined to achieve something great in life. Setting goals also help you to focus one thing and doing everything possible to attain it. You become very decisive and get your priorities in the right perspective. You don’t chase shadows, but success through enthusiasm.
5. Avoid procrastination and take advantage of opportunity. Procrastination is one of the greatest pitfalls to success. it prevents and hinders opportunity. To be successful in
whatever you want, you must never make procrastination your associate. You must learn to do what you have to do at a given period of time and space. You must look for opportunity to use your talent to add value to people. You can volunteer yourself in school, churches, business, industries and institutions by offering to help with their filling. Not everything that money can get you. So, you must not lose opportunity by focussing on money alone.
6. They should see failing as a stepping stone, not a hindrance. In the journey of life, failing is part of it. Failing is not failure until you fail or stop to press on. Successful and wealthy people have failed many times, but they didn’t stop at the bus stop of failure. It is very important that young people learn to press on even if the failure is knocking or pulling them down. I will encourage them to use the energy they have to give up to press closer toward success.
7. They must learn to think outside the box. This helps them to develop an opened mind toward life’s lessons. Life has so many things to teach us all if only we are ready and prepared to learn. There are a lot of information out there to help shaped our thinking. So, they youth must try to think
outside the box and the limitations to their personal growth and development. No one has more than 24 hours in this world. Both the poor and the billionaire have the same hours to become great in life, but what separate them are their thinking patterns to get outside the box.
8. Must be ready to take notes of successful people around them. People only take note of those who take note of successful people. Whatever you want to become in life, someone has become it. So, it is not wrong to take notes from such people. Spend time with them, get their materials such as books, cds, manuals, handouts. Every successful person has something to give you as a young person. Learn to humble yourself to learn from such individuals. Never take them for granted. Doing that will only limits you from achieving your desire success. Be ready to ask and take relevant notes from them. Don’t be afraid to ask them to be your mentors. Mentors are ladders mentees climb humbly into success.
9. Passion before money. Money is a by-product of one’s passion to solve a problem, not only prayer. What solutions are you providing in society? The youth must be taught to provide solution to societal problems not only camped in prayer room 24/7. Riches and wealth are not only results of
prayer, but deployment of one’s gifts and talents to provide solution to issues people are faced. Yet, prayer is very good as a Christian, after you have prayed; you must eat, bath, clothes and brush your mouth. How are you going to do all these things if everyone is like you praying 24/7 without working on their talent and products? Money doesn’t come through tongues speaking alone. This is why we are supposed to empower the youth in our churches to be useful in their communities, not useless and indolent. They should be encouraged to use their talents to add value and provide solution to their community.
It is my desire to see every youth become their best in whatever they desire to be. Success is everyone’s birthright, but trust me, it will not be tangible is we lack the passion to attain it through the right means. Don’t be a useless youth, but useful one the society can be inspired by.
Good luck