From Banking to the Pulpit: An Exclusive Interview with Apostle Josiah Aubin Jnr.

Apostle Josiah Aubin Jnr needs little introduction to our readers, but this time we are getting more personal with him in this exclusive interview, as he speaks on various issues concerning his upbringing,career, ministry and family.

He quit his high paying banking job to answer God’s call, that’s not normal at all. Today at Pleasures Magazine we speak to Apostle Josiah Aubin Jnr. – a banker turned Pastor, Teacher, Prophet, Motivational speaker and Youth advocate. Apostle Josiah is the Senior Pastor of the Grace Temple of Power Victory Chapel, reputed as one of fastest growing churches in Ghana.

Apostle Josiah Aubin Jnr

Man of God, welcome and thank you for spending time with us at Pleasures Magazine.
Thank you very much. The pleasure is mine

Can you start by giving our readers a brief background of yourself, your experience?
I was born in Chorkor a suburb in Accra to Rev Josiah Aubin Sr and Rev Mrs Veronica Aubin founders of Power Victory Chapel where I pastor as head of one of the Zones. I attended Ministry of Health Basic School in Korle-Bu and proceeded from there to Presbyterian Boys’ Secondary School, Legon where I did Business. I am a very proud Odadee. After Presec, I went to the University of Ghana Business school for a BSc Admin (Accounting) and then an MSc Development Finance. I am also a Chartered Development Finance Analyst (CDFA) and I’m currently reading for a Master of Arts in Ministry from the Trinity Theological Seminary with the hope of pursuing a Phd as soon as my wife is done with hers. I am married to Rita Aubin, a lecturer and we are blessed with our adorable little girl, Kuukua. Before coming into full time ministry, I worked as a banker first with Standard Chartered Bank and then Access Bank.

Apostle Josiah’s father, Rev Josiah Aubin Sr with daughter Kuukua

Would you like to tell us anything about family?
I have a very interesting family. I have two other siblings Solomon and Priscilla. Solomon is also a pastor and my sister a powerful minstrel. My wife is a pastor likewise my parents. Infact, I have two uncles who are also pastors, Pastor Rich Aubin (PVC Dunamis Temple) and Rev Joseph Aubin, Church of Pentecost, Juansa District. So in some ways, my family is steeped into ministry.

What is your motto and what drives you?
All things are possible to him who believes. (Mark 9:23). Impossible doesn’t exist with me.

Is there a set of values that you live by?

People talk much about the need for mentorship. What is your take on that? And who are your mentors?
I believe the need for mentorship cannot be gainsaid. The point is, it affords you the opportunity to pick lessons from people who have gone ahead of you without necessarily making the mistakes they made. In fact wisdom demands it. I have a number of mentors; my Father Rev Josiah Aubin Sr, Rev Dr Ebenezer Markwei and Dr. Lawrence Tetteh amongst others. One other person who has inspired me greatly is T. D.Jakes.

Now, to get where you are there is a story, how did it all start? How did you become born again and ultimately a pastor?
I gave my life to Christ fully in a meeting organized under the auspices of the Scripture Union circa 2002. I then served in the SU first as prayer secretary in JHS and then Head Counsellor at Presec. I was actively engaged in many fellowships whilst in the university organizing various meetings before ultimately starting a branch of our church in Legon around 2010. Really I started preaching from JHS. Sometimes when we had a class and the teacher was not in, I’d use the opportunity to preach.

Man of God, did you have any life-changing experiences that put you on the path that led you to what you’re doing today?
I have always been a church boy and knew my calling quite early. However, I had an encounter with God one night in my room whilst at Legon (University of Ghana, Accra) that set me on the path I am on.

What has been the most interesting part of your ministry?
Seeing God move in the lives of people. Seeing lives get transformed and people’s stories change.

What has been the most distressing part of your ministry?
I have learnt to count it all joy when I am faced with diverse trials so i don’t usually brood on them.

What is the Vision of the ministry?
To raise victorious Christians in all facets of life properly embodying and representing the Kingdom of God.

What are the offices you operates in?
I am an Apostle-Prophet

What inform the name of the ministry, Power Victory Chapel?
This ministry has been commissioned by God with the Power to produce Victorious Christians in every facet of human life hence the name Power Victory Chapel (PVC)
1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Where do we see Apostle Aubin in the next 5 to 10 years?
You should see a well oiled ministry and missionary machinery touching lives across the globe with the power and truth of the Gospel and winning souls for Jesus Christ.

They say ‘iron sharpen iron.’ Did you have any remarkable mentors or advisors who boosted you to where you are today, what you believe in and what you are committed to do in your work and life? Share with our followers about it.
As I intimated before mentors are vital not only in ministry but in leadership, banking and even politics. I believe that no success is success without God hence I strive for the masters approval and not the adulations of men.
Apostle Aubin, what is your take on the current status of leadership, ministry and entrepreneurship in Africa?
I believe we all know that most of Africa’s problems arise due to leadership deficiencies. One thing that keeps me awake at night is the attitude and values of the next generation who will be taking over the mantle of leadership. it appears the excesses of the current leadership in ministry, politics and business may just be exacerbated in the next generation. I pray constantly for God to release a generation of people who can revolutionize the course and destiny of Africa in wisdom and the fear of the Lord.

Let’s talk about Apostle Aubin the man! Give us a bit of your social and family life.
I am a family man to the core and the most important person after God is my wife. I try to spend time with my family as best as I can. Quite apart from that, i define family on the basis of love and loyalty and not blood or genes. Hence some pastors of mine have grown to become family. They believed in my ministry and have followed from 2007 in Legon (University of Ghana, Accra) to date.

Man of God, what is your favourite meal and drink?
Well, I think my favorite meal and Banku and Okro stew but I don’t have any favorite drink.

What about your wake up time and sleep time? How many hours do you normally sleep and why?
I usually go to bed after 11 and wake up around 6am. Mainly due to programs and mostly my personal reading schedules

How has been a banker helped in the business of running a church?
That’s a good question. I have a book coming up on this. I’ll share three things banking has taught me for ministry. First of all time management, next humility and finally the power of brands.

What is the worst experience you have gone through in life and in ministry and what lessons have you drawn from it?
In ministry, the worst experience was when some people my father raised and nurtured turned on him and how I became collateral damage.

If you could spend time with someone who has attained the kind of success you are looking to reach, what questions would you ask them?
1.What keeps him awake at night?
2.How does he maintain the level of excellence
3.What next?

What social cause(s) do you support/advocate for?
I have personally been a needy but brilliant child before so its one thing I am passionate about. There was a time when before i could go to Presec, God laid on a certain woman’s heart to sow a seed into my fathers life. That was the exact amount i needed to go to school. Without that it would have been very difficult. In our own way as a church, we have instituted scholarships for some of these people and we constantly pray for grace to do more.

Man of God, if you weren’t doing what you are doing now, what would be your occupation?
Certainly Banking and perhaps Politics

How do you solve leadership challenges among your team members?
I make my leaders understand that leadership ultimately service. If it doesn’t measure up to this you need to back up and come again. From that mindset every issue can be easily dealt with

How do you manage ministry and family at the same time? What challenges do you face in this regard?
Sometimes being gone for days without seeing my wife or having weeks of programs in places which means I’ll come home late over the course of the program. But I schedule things in a way that my family is not too impacted. Moreover, my wife understands the demands of the ministry.

Most pastors struggle with financing (start-up capital and working capital). How is your experience, and what advice can you give?
It was very tough from the beginning. We used to meet under a tent at the mercy of the weather. Gradually, God has shown himself strong and has been faithful to his word to us.

How do you network in order to increase your contacts?
I have a closed network of friends particularly due to how I was mentored into ministry by my father. That in many ways has helped me immensely to stay focused on my assignment.

Your wife, Lady Rita is stunning. How many years have you been married?
We have been married for a little over 3 years

Apostle Josiah Aubin Jnr with wife Lady Rita

How has married life been to you?
My marriage has been utterly enjoyable and if I had to choose again i will definitely choose her a thousand times over only may be this time sooner.

What attracted you to your wife, and how did you know she was the one?
I met my wife whilst at Legon (University of Ghana, Accra). She was also studying there. Her intelligence, humility and beauty caught my eye. She has a very big heart its just amazing. Throughout our friendship for over 5 years she did severally things that made me conclude that indeed she is a woman of substance and the one for me.

What advice can you give to singles as they prepare for marriage?
1.It is better to wait for the right person than to rush and crush.
2.Be more attracted to what is on the inside of the person that what is on the outside. In the days of trials you will realize that the things outside are superficial. So Adam said this is the bone of my bone (focused on the inside first) and the flesh of my flesh (before what was outside)

What advice can you give to married couples for them to avoid divorce and to enjoy marriage?
Marriage is like cooking, it is the ingredients you combine that determines the aroma and taste. in the same way, it is what both the man and woman are looking for that should determine what they bring into their marriage.

Any advice to pastors who want to pursue their calling?
Stay true to your calling and assignment. Many things will fight for your attention including becoming and doing what God hasn’t sent you to do. He who calls equips. Stay with and in God and you will make impact.

When you are long gone, Man of God, what would you like to be remembered for?
I want to be remembered as one who lived for God and died for God

Any last words to our followers in general?
Be Bold and take a risk. Pursue that vision, start that company. Don’t just sit aloof and wait for government or manna. You cannot walk on water when you are still sitting in your boat.

Thank you so much Man of God for taking time off your demanding schedule. We appreciate and value your useful advice.
Thank you too and the Lord bless and keep you




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