Highlights of the New Kingdom Church ‘s Passion, Power and Prophecy Conference

Wow! What a Glorious service full of the power of the Holy Ghost. People from far and near gathered together to experience God’s presence under the ministration of God’s servant Pastor Jide Ogunsakin and Guest Minister Apostle Promise Nwaoha who came all the way from Belgium. It was the conclusion of a 3 day program tagged passion, power and prophecy which commenced on Thursday 22nd February through 25th February 2018.

The atmosphere was intense with powerful worship which brought down the presence of God led by Da Masterpiece (The New Kingdom Church Choir) – THANK YOU FOR BEING GOD. The people viewing online through live streaming were also not left out in the service as there was deliverance from all forms of oppression by the devil.

Pastor Jide Ogunsakin

Analyzing the theme of the Program (PASSION, POWER AND PROPHECY) to the church, God’s servant pastor Jide Ogunsakin explained PASSION as the drive for progress which eventually becomes success. He proceeded to say “No man succeeds without success” and that the blessing is meant for those who have passion for kingdom service. In addition, he said “the level of your breakthrough is commensurate with the level of your passion for God” and that Passion brings a man from a low level to a high level.
Telling the church about one of his visit to his Spiritual Father, the person of Bishop David Oyedepo, he told him and he quotes to his congregation “Never seek to be known, seek for relevance”

Apostle Promise Nwaoha

You can’t be relevant in what you are not passionate about and you can’t fake passion. He also encouraged the church not to allow money be the reason why they do what they do but Passion. In the kingdom of God, seeking God is what brings you the blessings you get not money. Successful people are passionate people. Rewards are for passionate people. No matter what you do with your life be passionate. Jesus was passionate while he was on earth. Moving from city to city, going about on his bare foot working for God, and fulfilling the kingdom.
God is looking for passionate people.
The Passion, Power and Prophecy conference marked a new dawn and testimonies of impacts from many in attendance are still making the rounds.

Founded by Pastor Jide Ogunsakin, the New Kingdom Church is an arm of the ministry which is a great commitment to God’s Commandment and Commission which held her first church meeting on the 3rd April, 2011 to mark the beginning of a new era in the Kingdom of God. New kingdom church is a power ministry commissioned with the Apostolic and Prophetic Mandate to raise kingdom of kings in Gods kingdom.

Join us in fellowship at the New Kingdom Ministry International, located at Plot 819, Pameec Plaza, 2nd Floor, Beside Police Station Opp. Finance Quarters Wuye District, Abuja – FCT Nigeria.

Facebook: Jide Ogunsakin
Instagram: @tesjide
Email: tesjide@yahoo.com
Website: www.newkingdomchurch.org.ng
Tel: +234 806 3134 845 , +234 810 944 2993, +1-215-403-5393

Weekly Activities
Sunday: 9:00am – 11:30am
Wednesday: Lunch hour service – 12 Noon
Thursday: Communion Service: 6:00pm -8:00pm
Friday: Prayer Service: 6:00pm

Facebook live: Watch Pastor Jide on Facebook live, tagged ” The Father’s Blessing” every Monday, at 12 Noon
Radio: Listen to the Kingdom Change Agent, Pastor Jide on Rhythm 74.7 FM Abuja, every Wednesday at 10 PM , tune in and be blessed

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