Happening without warning, happening in a short pace of time, without a prior announcement. A speedy manifestation of God’s visitation in a way you never expected.
The lord said to my spirit He wants to step into your situation to cause a sudden turn around.
You need a sudden turn around because your situation and the situation of your family is long overdue
You need a sudden turn around because the season for it has arrived.
There is a season for everything on the planet. Nothing just happened, things happened by plan and every plan has its season for execution. The Lord said “I have a plan for your life; to give you an expected end”. I am talking to you reading this post prophetically that your season for a turnaround has arrived!
You need a sudden turn around because you have relied on your human strength for too long, God is stepping in to turn things around, not by your effort, not by human activities; I am coming in by myself.

Ladies and Gentlemen before God does anything He announce it, God will do nothing if He has not first of all reveal it to his servant the prophet, so they unfold the will of God to you, they bring the message (WORD) of God to you so that you may know and after you might have known then God will begin to act base on what have been revealed to you based on prophetic declaration. God will do nothing except He announce it, every of God’s announcement is a revelation of His action in other words God has finished it before he announce it! It is accomplished already before He declared it to you therefore in this season God want you to begin to experience what he has spoken about you already.
It might be you were expected a blessing base on your human imagination but suddenly God blow your mind exceeding your human expectation, “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us” (Ephesians 3:20), this is the realm am talking about and this will be your portion in Jesus name – Amen. It comes suddenly in the way you never expected.
Humanly, there’s progressive advancement, where you progress step by step, day by day, year after year until you arrive after many years or processes. God does not work that way, when God steps in human strength becomes irrelevant, God does not work according to the calculations of the human mind. God’s expectations for you are bigger than what you could ever imagine for yourself, so when God steps in He blows your mind, I declare to you the grace of God is manifested in your life in a dimension you have never experience before in the name of Jesus – Amen.
Acts 16:23 – 26 “And when they had laid many stripes upon them, they cast them into prison, charging the jailor to keep them safely: Who, having received such a charge, thrust them into the inner prison, and made their feet fast in the stocks.
And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed”.
Anytime Gods suddenly appears things begin to fast-track, divine speed, it appears everything is done in a hurry! The bible said suddenly there was a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prisons were shaken, I declare to you every wrong foundation in your family, I shake them down by the power in the name of Jesus! Every foundation causing delays in your life I take them off in Jesus name – Amen. The scripture we read when further to say “immediately all the doors were opened and every one’s bands were loosed”. In the name of that is above every other name, every door that was closed in your life begins to open immediately in your life in Jesus name – Amen. By this time you should have marry, by this time you should have children, but this time you should be financially established by this time our life should be experiencing glorious evidence of Gods might. When you come in contact with sudden grace things stop being slow down in your life. When a Christina lacks the anointing of speed, things are slow in his/her life. Laziness steps in but that is not the life God has called you into. Jesus operated His ministry with speed, you cannot carry Gods anointing and be sluggish irrespective of whether you are a Pastor or just a believer, there is no time to waste; I release that fire of speed into your life, your business, your health, your carrier, your ministry in the name of Jesus!
There are different kinds of keys you use to open doors, not all keys are the same; some keys you need to insert and begin to turn it before it opens, some you don’t need to hold them, they are sensors all you need to do is get closed to the door and the door opens, some are remote control, right in your car approaching the gate you just press a button and the gate and doors begins to open. There are some doors they don’t listen to body sensor or remote control but they only answer to earthquakes! These doors are made by ancient powers, like Paul and Silas they lock you in so that you cannot fulfill Gods assignment in your life; they only listen to the violent expression of the Holy Spirit and when the Power of God shows up, not only the door but the very foundation of the building collapse, that is what will happen to you this week suddenly; every door, every chain, every foundation standing against your life collapse in the name of Jesus!
How do you provoke God’s sudden visitation upon your life?
Acts 16:25 – “And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly…”
One of the things that brings sudden visitation is Prayer, prayer that is born from the spirit, a prayer of a spiritual mad man. The scriptures said at mid night Paul and Silas got up and prayed and the prisoners heard them, this is not the kind of prayer you prayer in shy because you don’t want the person standing next to you to hear you or your neighbor not to hear you. A prayer birthed from the Spirit, a prayer that is loud, Paul and Silas were loud and aggressive! Stand up and don’t chicken out, don’t throw in the towel, get up and stand in prayers, be aggressive desiring the change you want to see, seeing the change you want to experience in the eyes of the spirit as you prayer. You have stayed there too long, get up! That delay has taken too long, be violent and posses your possession! I declare to in the name of Jesus every closed doors and foundation standing against the manifestation of Gods plan in your life are broken down in the name of Jesus – Amen. I am waiting to receive your testimonies – write or call us today!
Media Outreach
Prophet Moses preaches daily on a Satellite network ‘KFM TV’ every day 7am and 7pm.
You can also listen to Prophet Moses on Spring Fm 102.7MHz every Monday 12noon and Vision1-93.5fm every Wednesday 9pm
On Youtube: EVM Church Channel
Prophet Moses Ugbogonogo’s messages are also in prints on Pleasures Magazine and online every week
Evangelistic Vine Ministry International is located adjacent Jehovah Witness Headquarters Tema beach Road. Accra, Ghana. Call +233 2487 29973 / +233 266 851077