Brethren, it takes the Holy Altar of God to fight the impossibility in your life. One has to run to the Holy Altar almost every day to pray. The priest on the altar must be approached with a gift to the altar; the sacrifice. This sacrifice stirs up the spirit in the high priest to speak into one’s life. This high priest can speak to turn misfortune to be fortune. High priest speaks the mysteries of God. He speaks the mind of God behind the Holy Altar. How many times do you see your prophet in a week? Most Christians suffer in life because they do not know what the high priest (Prophet) on the Holy Altar carries. Most Christians of today do complain and murmur and some even give up. In the case of Elizabeth, the angel of God shut Zachariah’s mouth because of disbelief. So unbelief can shut your blessings. The angel knew that WORDS are powerful and if the mouth is not shut Zachariah might say things to even destroy the good thing God of Israel was bringing into the family. Brethren, what are your confessions? Do you have belief in God? In the case of Mary, she accepted wholeheartedly so the angel of the Lord left her as we read in Luke 1: 38 “I am the Lord’s servant,” said Mary; “may it happen to me as you have said.” And the angel left her. So brethren, when you accept the pronouncement from the high priest on the Holy Altar whatever God says concerning your life will come to pass.

Rev Ernest Adeti – Founder, El-Kana Prayer Ministries

Today, most people depend on man instead of God. They believe in their connections, and associations with mortal beings instead of putting all their trust in God. But we read in Jeremiah 17:5 “Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man And makes flesh his strength, Whose heart departs from the Lord.” Anyone who DOES not put his trust in the lord cannot be spiritually sound. Please it is not the speaking of tongues that can change man’s situation. Some Christians have been speaking in tongues for many years but they are still struggling in life. When people speak in tongues mysteries of God come up clear. In those days when The Church of Pentecost held conventions, many people who were led by the spirit brought out mysteries. So beware of false and pocket prophets who move from shop to shop to prophesy unto people. Some do that just put fear unto people to give them money to buy food. Brethren, the spirit of God is calm, humble, gentle and kind and does not frighten people. The spirit of God does not need to cry bitterly before speaking to people. God is very powerful, calm but sure. Some receive these prophecies but their lives are the same. Partly because of unbelief or may be receiving from false prophet.


Christian’s life is to effect change. The life must bring positive change to families, people of the same assembly and the nation as a whole. So the question is if a Christian’s life has not changed, can we say that his life is fruitful?

Brethren, life is not funfair but rather warfare always so AWAKE (Isaiah 52). God has already blessed us but the only thing that can move a Christian from his God given destiny is sin. The secret is there is no impossibility in life. Darkness has no share with the light. Light always dominates darkness. YOU are the light of the world so YOU must dominate your world. Isaiah 38:1 when sin is removed from your way then harvest is ready. Until you stop living in sin things may be hard. This is because God cannot compromise with His principles.



2 Chronicles 20:20 indicates that the blessings of most people can be found in the mouth of a genuine prophet of God. However, one has to access himself before going to see a prophet. The secret is one has to have an authentic relationship with God always. Do not run to God only when you are in trouble. But let Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” be your guide always. Rather seek God first so everything can be yours.




Lord Jesus, TODAY, I have read your WORD from your servant, Prophet Ernest,

I have decided to seek the kingdom of God’s FIRST so help me God!

PRAYAR POINT: Oh God my Fighter, Psalm 44:5 says “Through thee will we push down our enemies: through thy name will we tread them under that rise up against us.” Today, Power from the Holy Altar of God, any power assigned to injure my reputation, let the angels of God take it back into the darkness where it belongs in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen !

OPEN FIRE for 5 minutes!
I want to take this opportunity to invite YOU to worship with us at El-Kana Ministries International, Community 3, Site A”. Jogis Estate, near the late Shammo Quayes’s Residence. Team, Ghana. You may contact us on +233508114786 or +233201001010. You may follow on internet radio LINK below:

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