MATH 11:28 – 30
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Most people are confused about the name of Jesus, first you need to know that a name is a language unit in which a thing or person is known. It is a medium in which a thing or person is given proper identification. In the history of humanity the name of Jesus is the most remarkable, that is why today I want to talk to you about that name Jesus.
In the book of Gen 5:1 – 2, after god created man he gave man a name, everything God created has a name. The totality of a thing or person is sum in the name.
When man failed and lost his place and dominion, God gave us JESUS, through this name Jesus man will be able to regain his place in God. Without Jesus life is empty and full of bitterness. Jesus came to give you rest from your struggles, in him is peace that surpasses all. You’ve been toiling, he says come and drink of this living water which when you drink you shall test no more, for it is written “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved – Acts 4:2.”
Name is not just given for the sake of name bearing, the purpose and characteristic of the person is invested in his/her name. Influence, power and authority are invested in a name, even God revealed himself to Moses by His name same thing to Abraham and today he has revealed his name to every one of us by the name Jesus Christ.
The influence of God, the authority of God, the character of God, the power of God, the glory of God, the grace and righteousness of God has been deposited into the name of Jesus Christ and whosoever calls on this name is calling the omnipotent God directly, the God that can make a way where there is no way, He makes impossibility possible.
Philipians 2:10
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
Sickness and diseases will bow, poverty and lack must bow, anything that is subjecting your life must submit to you when you come under the name of Jesus.
Psalm 23:4
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of
the shadow of death, I will fear no evil:
for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
When you come under the name of Jesus, he becomes your shield and buckler, so I urge you today to call upon that name, bring your mind and your body under submission to the name of Jesus and the wonders that accompany the name Jesus will begin to manifest in your life. Beloved, Jesus died for you! He took upon himself your infirmities!
Irrespective of the demonic chain that has beaten and buffeted your life Jesus is saying come to me, for in me there is peace, life, power and wisdom. How long will you delay, running to idols that can’t save you? The arms of flesh cannot save you. Your strength one day will fail, money will fail and men will fail, Jesus is the only sure way to go.
Mark 10:46 – 47
46 Now they came to Jericho.
As He went out of Jericho with His disciples
and a great multitude, blind Bartimaeus,
the son of Timaeus, sat by the road begging.
47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth,
he began to cry out and say,
“Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”
We read the story of blind Bartimaeus in the bible who has been blind from birth, when he heard that Jesus was in town and was passing his way, prior to this time, he has heard about the miracles Jesus has performed. Blind Bartimaeus began to cry out to Jesus. He cried out because he was tired of the conditioned in which he find himself, he was tired of people helping him all the time, he was tired of begging on the roadside and being label “blind”, he was tired of being a burden to people around him. With a load voice he cried out thou son of David have mercy on me! The people around him tried to silence him from calling on Jesus but the more they tried to stop him to more he cry out Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me.
He was hungry for a testimony, you’ve got to come to this point in your life that you’re hungry for that breakthrough and cry out to Jesus, the world may try to shut you down, your friends may not like it but you’ve got to stamp them out and grab Jesus for in him is your salvation! Blind Bartimaeus had no money all he had was his voice as he continue to cry out, he had no one to take him by the hand to meet Jesus for even the ones close to him were discouraging him, all he had left was his voice crying out to Jesus. Currently as you’re reading this post maybe your friends have deserted you, your family members you thought will help have disappointed you, the government have failed you and you’re all left alone, now is the time to lift up your voice and cry out Jesus have mercy on me as blind Bartimaeus did because there is something about the name of Jesus.
49 So Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called.
Then they called the blind man, saying to him,
“Be of good cheer. Rise, He is calling you.”
50 And throwing aside his garment, he rose and came to Jesus.
51 So Jesus answered and said to him,
“What do you want Me to do for you?”
The blind man said to Him,
[a]“Rabboni, that I may receive my sight.”
52 Then Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has [b]
made you well.”
And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus on the road.
Halleluyah! Bartimaeus who was once known as Blind Bartimaeus received his sight! You’ve got to come to this point in your life where you ignore the opposition and cling on to the name of Jesus, the same people who where around him trying to stop him where the same people who said to him be of good cheer rise, he is calling you. You’ve got to ignore the opposition, ignore those who laugh at you and lift up your voice and cry out to Jesus, Jesus is every ready to turn your mess into a message, He will turn your sorrows in to joy. Beloved, it is time to call on Jesus, I charge you right now to call on Him, wherever you are reading this post begin to call on Jesus now! It might be your marriage, your business, your finances, your academics, and your health whatever it is…
Philipians 2:10
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
Proverbs 18:10
The name of the LORD is a strong tower;
the righteous man runs into it and is safe.
This moment, if you’re reading this post and you have not yet made Jesus the Lord over your life, it is with pleasure that I invite you to take a bold step today and surrender your life to Jesus by prying this simple prayer with me:
Lord Jesus, today I believe with all my heart that you’re my savior.
I believe you died and resurrected to give me a new life,
today I accept you as my Lord and savior,
come and dwell in me in Jesus Name I pray – Amen.
Praise God! If you have prayed this prayer, I welcome you to the family of the living God. I admonish you to locate a bible believing church nearest to you to enable you grow your new found faith, you can also write me: as am eager to hear the good things God is about to do in your life. Also you can visit our website – to read more uplifting article that will equip your spirit on how to effectively life your new life in Christ.
Beloved, I also want to use this medium to invite you to our upcoming CHARISMATIC REVIVAL CONFERENCE which goes alongside with our 3RD SUPERNATURAL FEET-WASHING SERVICE. This event will begin from the 10TH to the 16TH of September 2018. It is going to be a glorious moment to experience the miraculous power of God upon your life, so I urge you wherever you are to make plans to come to this programme. Please see posters and fliers for details. God bless you richly – Amen.
Evangelistic Vine Ministries International (EVM CHURCH) is a mega Church and a Christian denomination founded by E. U. Moses saddle with the responsibility of taking the divine presence of God to the world and demonstrating the presence of the Holy Spirit through the message of Power, Salvation, Prosperity, Prayer, Miracle and raising men and women to become spiritual giants in God’s kingdom for the purpose of advancing the gospel.
The EVM Church has since become a global network of churches with congregations in many countries. Our headquarter is located in the heart of Accra-Ghana.
We invite you to worship with us at any of the location nearest to you:
Nungua Barrier – Adjacent Jehovah’s witness Headquaters, along Tema Beach rd., Accra – Ghana.
Phone: +233 302938211, +233 248729973, +233 266851077
Pol. Ind Promesa, Nave 119 San Pablo – Sevilla
Bus 2: Road BT LOS ALCOS
Phone: +34632062300
Liberty Temple
Opeikuma, Kasoa
Phone: +233 264228009, +233 548640658
Zion Assembly – Ikpaja Lagos
# 9 Akinlawason, by Gbenga car wash, Oluwaga Bus-stop
Phone: +234 7035828507, +234 8090813816
Ho – Volta Region
Beside Hope Medical Centre, Near Mirage, Along The University Road.
Phone: +233 246572465
Fellowship Pastor: Pastor Kelvin Olumo
Kotobabi Primary School
Fellowship Pastor: David Raymond
Klagon Government School Park, Klagon-Accra.
Fellowship Pastor: Pastor Newness Daniel
Fellowship Pastor: Pastor Patrick Bassey
0547733042, 0208949405
(Block Factory, Methodist/Presby Park)
Fellowship Pastor: Pastor Simon Petro Agyemang
0548582118, 0552641531
Old lashibi, TMA Primary School Park
The street Opp. Comm. 17 Car-Wash
Fellowship Pastor: Pastor Chris Israel Ugbogonogo
0571511688, 0543759474