About Us

We communicate to 2,000,000+ of the World’s Wealthiest through our Print Medium and talk to over 700,000+ High Net Worth & Aspirational individuals daily via Pleasures Magazine.

Our traditional Publishing division element, offers a truly unique opportunity as a specialist publisher that has been established for 11 years and produces a luxury lifestyle coffee table book six times per annum, which plays a pivotal role in the promotion of Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and the UAE.

This pattern of proven success is demonstrated by the consistent reinvestment from various recognised brands who chose to advertise with us and include the likes of some power house names such as; Richard Mille, Rolls Royce, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, Gulfstream, Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Harry Winston, Giampiero Bodino, Emirates Palace, Burj Al Arab, Boodles, David Morris, Velaa Private Island, The Royal Mansour, Omega and Fendi, to name a very select few from our partner portfolio.

While many traditional publications have moved exclusively across to digital, luxury lifestyle publishers such as Pleasures Magazine continue to deliver the best of both worlds and still provide an inimitable sensory experience to our readers, which has allowed our printed publication to evolve into a luxurious collectible within its own right.

With 200,000+ copies of our printed Coffee Table publication distributed worldwide, 6 times per annum, to a By Invitation Only network and with a readership Audience that can only be described as the World’s wealthiest, both Pleasures Magazine’s global Print & Digital distribution network reaches both Ultra & High Net Worth Individuals in the following places:
The UAE, GCC, London, Paris, Milan, Monaco, Moscow, New York, Los Angeles, St. Tropez, Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Mumbai & Delhi.