The Presiding Bishop of the Zion Heritage and Miracle Ministries, Bishop Okwudili Eze, has released his divine revelations for 2017.
In an interview with Pleasures Magazine on Monday 26 2016, Okwudili Eze spoke on the world and national events to expect in 2017, with the focus on the Church, Politics, Football, Banking, Recession, among others.
1. 2017 for Zion Heritage and Miracle family shall be a year of ‘’glory and dominion’’ God shall pour out his spirit afresh on this mandate that would cause a great manifestation and growth on every side.
2. Heaven shall be demanding great intimacy from God’s servants who wants to walk in a greater spiritual authority and a deeper revelation of Jesus.
3. Ministries that are not built on truth shall experience great wrath and judgement from God whereas those ministries whose candles are in heaven shall receive a fresh touch and move of God in their ministries.
4. Ministers of God who defile the altars of God,who do the work of ministry with ‘’help from Egypt’’ shall experience great resistance and opposition from God. Many of them shall die mysteriously even on the altar, while many shall be caught red handed in their wickedness against the body of Christ.
5. Men of God shall seriously guide and pray for other minister’s marriages, the devil wants to shake and attack ministers’ marriages in a very wicked way. The love and prayer bond amongst ministers and their wives must always be on fire.

6. The hardship and recession the earth is currently going through shall continue on a very higher proportion, money shall fail, many will loose their employments but those who walk with God their case shall be different.
7. The financial institutions in Nigeria is going to face one of their toughest moments in their sector. Many banks would be shaken and massive loss of jobs amongst bankers. Bankers must pray hard and cultivate another stream of income in order to curtail the evil day coming.
8. God is raising and sending fearless Apostles and Evangelists with an unusual grace for soul winning to Islamic nations. A lot of Islamic nations shall be harvested and reaped in for the lordship of Jesus Christ.
9. There shall be increase of encounters of Jesus appearing to key Islamic fanatical entities which would emanate to great soul winning in Islamic nations. The powers of the bond woman would be arrested greatly in 2017.
10. An ocean flow of wealth is been released to the body of Christ in 2017 especially to those believers who are willing to engage and apply the principles of the word in order to open their financial heavens.
11. Much should not be expected from the present government in power for there is no light at the tunnel of this administration. I see confusion and great confusion. They simply don’t know what to do.
12. A serious battle of contention shall break out between the presidency and the house of assembly. The battle shall be so fierce that the assembly shall cast the vote of no confidence against the presidency for impeachment.
13. Ghananians should pray seriously that what is happening in Nigeria should not repeat in Ghana. I saw a dark cloud hanging over Ghana that many people where thrown into hardship and hunger. The president –elect has a good plan but must raise a serious altar of prayer so that the ‘’cabals and political fathers around the throne would not hijack his government and inflict pain and hunger on that nation.
14. If the president elect in Ghana decides to neglect the input and prayers of the church and her ministers, his regime shall be the worst ever that came out of Ghana.
15. God is shopping for a ‘’Jehu’’ for 2019 elections in Nigeria. 2019 elections in Nigeria is going to be a battle between light and darkness.
16. Donald trump shall be a weapon in God’s hand to restore the glory of the name of the Lord in america and to fight the Islamic’s satanic wickedness against the church. An attempt and plan shall be made to frustrate his administration, but the hand of God shall be firm. Great prosperity shall be experienced in the land especially the church.
17. There is going to be emergence of new reformatory political parties in Nigeria that would position to wrestle power from the current government through revolution solutions on how to turn around the economic situations in Nigeria.
18. It would be a more difficult moment for Nigerians especially those who are into business. But those who are committed and dedicated to god shall smile differently.
19. The arrow of rebellion and painful breakaway shall be fired into the church in order to weaken the strength of the church but with strong prayers, these arrows shall be arrested.
20. There is a cloud of glory that is hanging over the Nigerian football teams. Major soccer talents would emerge on the global stage from Nigeria. The grace to conquer and dominate world football shall come on the Nigerian team.
21. The Nigerian church especially the front line ministries should pray seriously against any obnoxious law and regulations that would affect the church negatively. I see a negative eye from the government against the church.
22. There shall be a lot of miracle marriages and births in 2017. Many who have given up hope on experiencing this testimony shall experience the hand of God unusually.
23. There would be increase of heretical teachings and errors in the body of Christ. A lot of questions would be asked on age-long truth that is well stipulated in the word of God. Many shall be deceived and confused . Many would stop believing the truth of the word handed over to us from the word of God. False teachings shall increase.
24. Believers in South Africa should pray fervently for the political climate of that nation. Prayers should be offered against massive killings of foreigners, repatriation of foreign nationals, closure of churches owned by foreigners and re-enactment of the wickedness of the apartheid days.
25. God will be demanding painful sacrifices from a lot of people this year in order to bring them into the realities of hanging promises that has been over ‘’ more than ten years due.’’ there shall be a shift in seasons and levels through sacrifice.
26. The presidency would come up with a lot of promises and programs on how to revamp the economy especially towards the middle of the year, but it would not succeed because of wrong implementation.
27. Ritual killings and child kidnapping would be on a great increase. Extra carefulness must be taken especially those who do night travel and those who send people to bring back their children from school.
28. The contentions for global dominance would become more fierce with threat of international war, release of nuclear bomb, closure of embassies and breakdowns of diplomatic ties among america, china and Russia. But God is never through with america.
29. Destructive wind, rain and rampant fire disaster across the nation should be prayed against.
30. A lot of people who are influential and professionals in their various areas of en-devour shall greatly distance themselves from the government and this shall cause great confusion and stagnation.
31. Nigerians who are into local production of goods and services with locally skills and raw materials would greatly be favored by God especially those of them who are export minded.
32. God is going to raise women who are powerfully anointed in the prophetic and apostolic to stir up greatly the fire of revival. Great miracles, great finances and great global impact shall be wrought through their ministries.
33. The Nigeria aviation industry needs prayer in order for that industry not to go into moribund. Poor maintenance of aircraft and airport facilities would do a great damage to that industry. Nigerians who fly must be prayerful and be open and sensitive to God’s leading.
34. God is going to take members away from churches where they are not fed with the sound word of God to churches where the ministers are teaching the sound word of God and also living in integrity. There is going to be mass movement of believers to the place where the truth of the gospel is preached without fear or favour.
35. Nigerian gospel artists should pray and consecrate themselves for raw direct connection with the sounds of heaven. A lot of them would loose their voices especially those who are into the ministry for fame and money. But as many as are consecrated to God, will hear new direct sounds of heaven that will reposition worship in our churches. A fresh outpouring of god’s presence is coming to the church through consecrated worship and praise.
36. God is going to put on the stage ministers who have paid their dues and have been in the back side of the desert with great power and glory. Their manifestation and growth will surprise many.
37. 2017 shall be a year of great mantle transfers. Those who are connected and well positioned will access mantles and glory.
38. There shall be a great rain of massive creative ideas and insight for discovery among believers from God. Strange light and wisdom is coming to the church unusually for witty inventions and breakthroughs. Let the world wait for the church. The church is the solution to the gloom and darkness that is blanketing the world.
39. The president is going to have lots of fall–off with his current ministers because of corruption charges established against them. I see the ruling team greatly depleted with one crises after another. The president should watch his political house because the ‘roof’ is off and rain is beating the house directly.
40. We should pray against the death of a major spiritual father in Nigeria who has been at the fore front of revival in Nigeria. Let the church in Nigeria pray.
Zion Heritage and Miracle Ministries is located after Trade More Estate, Voice of Nigeria Junction, Lugbe Airport Road FCT Abuja Nigeria.
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Bishop Okwudili Eze is a seasoned Prophet with an unusual accuracy in the prophetic. Having followed him over the years in the prophetic and his yearly prophecies to the nations, I must say and attest He is one of the genuine voices in the Nations which we must look for and listen.
He is incredibly anointed in the prophetic with An International School of Seers, Pastors and Leaders (ISOSPAL) where he is raising men of knowledge in word and power through the word of faith and salvation.
With an unusual anointing, gifts for signs and wonders, He and his wife Pastor Ifeoma Eze are prolific writers who have authored several books.
Just like other years, 2017 in prophecy should looked with, prayed with for an unusual expectation.