The Christian Philanthropist Forum International held its Annual LECTURE and Awards on Friday 15th December 2017 at Accra International Press Centre under the theme.”Imparting Society positively through Philantropism”.
Madam Charlotte Baidoo, the Managing Director, Women world Banking Ghana was the Guest Speaker while Mr Oscar UGOH, PUBLISHER Coorporate Guardian was the Guest of Honor.

In his welcome address, the Convener and Executive Director of the Forum, Bishop Peter Kayode Falarungbon , gave insight into the formation of the Forum founded in 2015.
According to him, the objective of the Forum focus on bringing together people of common interest who have passion for Charity work.

The forum is determine to identify more of these noble personalities with the aim of encouraging them to continue their good deeds. In pursuant of this agenda, many distinguished Christian Philanthrpist, were honoured with the prestigious Christian PHILANTHROPIST Award. Past Awardees includes .Rev Dr Gifty LAMPTEY. C E O Sildaco limited Ghana.
Mr Lolu Akindele. Executive Director OMNI Bank Ghana. Mr EKOW Bentil. Former Managing Director Royal Bank Ghana. Madam Charlotte Baidoo. Managing Director .Women World Banking Ghana. and Mr (Nat Kwabena Adisi. BOLA Ray) C E O E I B Network Ghana and many others.

The new Awardees includes, Mr Eric Alfred Bannerman, Executive Chairman Goldstar Airline Accra. Mr Bode Oseni, the Managing Director of RegencyNem Insurance Ghana and Madam Catherine Nelson, General Manager, Bajfreight and Logistics Tema.
Others are Vanessa ADDO. Managing Director Vaniaddo Ghana. Rev. Dr Ebenezer Alabi, founder. Mission of Hope Ghana and Madam Genet Michael, Country Manager of Ethiopian Airline.
In his closing remarks. Bishop Kayode said ,the Annual event will soon be organised in Nigeria , South Africa and other nations as the Lord directs.