Agharese Emokpae, popularly known as A’rase, is one of the happiest people on earth especially since she won the just concluded The Voice Nigeria music talent show.
But even with the talent on display at the show, A’rase said she didn’t see them as rivals at all.
“It was a very challenging time but it went well. All the contestants tried to get the most out of the show. There were some competitive people in the show and they were all about winning. There were those who wanted to learn all they could on the show.
“For me, I felt it would be nice to win. But I was working towards gaining as much knowledge as I could. Everybody on the show in their own right was strong but I didn’t see them as rivals. I saw them as people I could learn from just by being around them. I learnt from each and every one of them.
“I learnt so much from Waje. I was in her team. She taught me about confidence, stage presence and the technical aspect of singing as a professional musician,” she said.
And A’rase said she intends to put to good use all she learnt in the reality show and would try as much as possible to make an impact and not be like other reality show winners who have not really achieved much after the show.
“This is my first time of partaking in a reality show. I believe in the value of hard work. When you keep working towards something, you would achieve it. Winning the show is like a spring ball, a platform I could jump to get to another level. I know it is possible I could feel that I already have everything. But this is just the beginning with a lot of hard work to come. I will certainly make a difference,” she said.
Also an actress even before she got into music, A’rase said she had received love from people after winning the show.
“My phone has not stopped ringing. A lot of love has poured in. I have been getting so many calls and messages. It has been overwhelming. I am grateful that people have been supporting me.”
A proud owner of a brand new Sports Utility Vehicle, dividend of being The Voice Nigeria winner, A’rase said she was stunned when the keys were handed over to her.
“I knew that was part of the prizes for the winner but I was stunned when I got the keys. I was like, ‘is this real? Is this my car?’ It was overwhelming and I am so excited,” she said.