Glorious Wave Church International is a vibrant, multi-ethnic church, a God’s family on earth, a place of purpose, vision, discovery, developing and deploying of God’s intent for your life.
Glorious Wave Church International is poised to raise men and women who would take over in every sector and sphere of life. We are a people with a kingdom understanding, called by God to bear rule on the earth.
Our Mandate speaks of liberation in all facets of human existence, we focus mainly on destinies that have been afflicted, battered, beaten, tattered, deformed and subsequently in groaning and agonies, as a result of pains, pangs and crying. This is the mandate.
In Glorious Wave Church International, we believe in the power of God’s Word to change lives and value the practical application of His Word to make a difference in who we are and what we do. Believing and obeying His message leads us in a discovery of real life and a hope for eternity. This is what the Bible teaches us, that Jesus Christ came as God’s gift to the world with a message of good news.
In Gwave, burdens are lifted, yokes are destroyed, destinies are re-charted, marriages are mended and lives are transformed. We believe in teaching the uncompromising word of God and our core value and belief is found in the infallible word of God.
We believe that the word of God has the final authority in every situation, we believe in the trinity, we believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit evidenced by speaking in tongues, we believe in water baptism by immersion, we believe in the power and efficacy of prayer.
Therefore, Gwave has been called to make disciples of the unchurched and has a clear vision and mission to raise the take-over generation which have been called to re-establish God’s Kingdom on earth, a glorious kingdom.
We believe that in our generation, Men can serve God, do things right, be uncompromising and still be successful! No wonder, in Matthew 5:14, Jesus told us in categorical terms that we are the light of the world. Light symbolizes illumination, knowledge and leadership. In other words, we are to show the world, how things are to be done!
It is our great desire for you that you discover a deep and abiding relationship with Jesus and develop a sustaining faith in His word.
In Gwave, friends meet friends, all meet Jesus, vision sharpens vision, concepts and new ideas are encouraged and developed, and we don’t believe anything truly inspired of God is impossible! We sincerely hope that your experience with us will inspire you into a deeper sense of purpose and walk with God.
We love you and feel privileged to welcome you to the best place on earth; Glorious Wave Church International!
Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi, Senior / Founding Pastor of Glorious Wave Church International is a man on fire for God, his natural love for humanity birthed in him the deep desire to be a philanthropist and an humanitarian , a course which he set about and pursued faithfully and concertedly.
An Author, Motivator and Conference speaker, Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi is one of the most respected and sought-after ministers in Ghana. He is well known for his clear message of hope, healing and empowerment. He is widely regarded as a visionary leader and bridge-builder. His ability to transcend Race, Tribe and Creed with his unique approach to ministry has seen to the forging of many strategic relationships between the church and secular communities in Africa.
Prophet Kobi has been used of God to teach the glorious word of faith with passion and conviction, revealing the truth and power of God’s word that has affected this generation and also laid a foundation for generations to come. He is constantly teaching and training believers to take their place in Christ and to exercise their authority.
Prophet Kobi is a Pastor of Pastors, he conducts Leadership training programmes and trains Pastors for the work of the ministry, he works tirelessly at coaching his flock to be rooted and grounded in the word of faith, know who they are in Christ and to enforce the victory of Christ in their lives and circumstances.
As a result Glorious Wave Church members can be found around the globe taking their place in the body of Christ, being strong and doing exploits for God with established Churches and their own ministries to the glory of God and affecting their communities.
His calling and gifting as a practical teacher of the word with signs and wonders following has opened several doors of preaching engagements for him around the world.
Prophet Kobi has for several years been pioneering several philanthropic projects and programmes. With every sense of modesty Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi remains a very humble, modest and priceless general in God’s army in Ghana.
Glorious Wave Church International is located at Sakumono estate, behind Cable Gold building, Tema – Ghana
Pls prophet help me with your prophetic direction on my calling and ministry. I watched you on joy TV presentation in Nigeria and I’m convinced that you can help me to get direction on the way forward with my calling and ministry. Please do help me and may the LORD continue to strengthen you.