Grace is God’s ability to handle human inabilities. It is God’s Almightiness invading our human helplessness. Grace is God, bringing out the best out of the worse failure of life. Grace is a pathfinder; Grace is a commander of respect, it is a provoker of attention. Grace increases your accomplishment and decreases your sweat. Read: II Corinthians 12:9 – where grace is sufficient, life is efficient.
Jesus Christ is the revelation of truth and grace; His death and resurrection completed everything as regards our salvation (redemption). Thus, we are beneficiaries; there is nothing we can more. For example, Adam did nothing for God to put him in the garden – he exists just to please God.
God loves you (us) even before you (we) became born again; we should just know what the Word of God said and abide by it.
The law was not God’s original purpose or plan, it was man made; God had never operated with man on that platform, it has always been grace, from Abraham downwards.
I want you to know that, it is grace that ends all struggles. The law was not God’s agenda.
Why do pastors fake miracles/prophecies? It is because they want to elevate themselves – they want to showcase themselves as if it must be by the doings of men and not God (Grace).
NOTE: Our Christian faith is not about ‘doing’, but what has been done. Everything God promises you is in the past; He has done it already (e.g by His stripes you were healed…).

Peter is one who always wants to do something for him/her to feel approved before God or to please God.
Jesus met Peter in the following five (5) times:
(1) John 1:40-42 – Peter likes to celebrate effort.
(2) Luke 5 – By the lake of Gennesaret – The goodness of God most times looks out for him.
NOTE: Judgmental preaching cannot bring people to God it is God’s love. Peter was a raw sinner when Jesus met him at the fishing point, but Jesus didn’t condemn him.
Read: II Corinthians 5:19
(3) Matthew 16:18 – Caesarea Philippi – Peter is an embodiment of the totality of flesh.
(4) John 13:21 – Before the feast of Passover
How do you depend on Grace? Depend on His Word – Don’t attack the Scriptures.
(5) Luke 9 – Mountain of Transfiguration
At the mountain Moses representing the law, Elijah representing the prophets appeared; Jesus represents Grace. When Peter saw them he said wow! Let’s build three tabernacles here (meaning effort); but how dare you put law and the prophets before grace?
Read: Luke 22:31
It is so much so that when Jesus rose from the death, He gave an instruction to tell Peter also… why was that? It is clear that Peter depended too much on effort. Do you even before Jesus resurrected Peter went back to fishing.
However, it didn’t continue like that with Peter to the end, he found grace. Read: I Peter 5:6-10 – this saying came after Peter have learnt, he truly humbled himself.
(1) Eph. 2:8 – Grace gave us salvation
(2) Titus 2:11-12 – Grace gives us victory over sin
(3) Heb. 12:15 – Grace fuels the love of God in our hearts
(4) I Corinthian 3:10 – Makes us wise (Constructive wisdom)
(5) Rom. 12:6 – It is the secret of gifts (talents)
(6) I Cor. 15:9-10 – Grace makes you great
(7) Neh. 2:8 – Grace is the secret of ease (Makes ministry easy)
(8) II Cor. 8:1-3 – Grace sponsors wealth
(9) Eph. 3:7-8 – Grace Releases power to serve
(10) Rom. 12:3 – Grace gives you a voice in life
(11) Acts 18:27 – Graces Fuels our faith
(12) Luke 2:40 – Grace brings growth to every area of life
(1) Through Prayers
(2) Through Fellowship
(3) By sitting under heavy duty, high tension, unadulterated Word of God.
I pray for you to receive grace to end all struggles in your life in the mighty name of Jesus.