Our April fellowship is going to be a little different! We will be watching a movie and discussing the theme, “The Redemptive Power of the Love of God.”
Quite frankly, the word “love” has lost its meaning. Many of us have had our hearts broken by people who said they loved us and then hurt us – from romantic relationships to close friends and even parents. So when the Bible tells us that God loves us like a Father, it’s hard to believe. And when it says Jesus is the Lover of our souls, we roll our eyes.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…” well, we know people who did nice things for us and still left us.
So how can we trust a God who hinges His entire identity on the fact that He is love? How can we believe that Love has the power to heal broken hearts, when those hearts were broken by others who claimed to “love”? How can we follow a teaching that measures love by sacrifice? How can we even find comfort in the word of God when we have come to associate love with pain?
” … Because of the great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, [He] made us alive …” Ephesians 2:4-5 ESV
But it is because of Love that He saved us. It is through this Love that we have a relationship with God. It is His Love that changes us. It is His Love that redeemed us from the devil.
Forget what you have believed; Love is powerful to change, to heal, and to redeem.
If you’ve ever struggled to understand how God can say He loves us, or to figure out how to live in the reality of His Love, join us on Saturday, the 1st of April, 2017. We will be watching a movie and discussing the theme, “The Redemptive Power of the Love of God.”
Date: Saturday, April 1st, 2017.
Time: 4pm prompt
Venue: Guiding Light Assembly, Parkview estate, Ikoyi, Lagos.
It’s Free!
Ignite is a fellowship targeted at our generation – young men and women in business, young couples, young entrepreneurs, etc. We are the young members of the Guiding Light Assembly (GLA) family. We love Jesus and are trying to figure out how to live the Word in an increasingly complicated world. We meet on the first Saturday of every month to gist with the Holy Spirit, ask a lot of questions and to find out what He has to say about our everyday issues.
For more information, kindly contact us at: info@ignitegla.org, or ignitegla@gmail.com
Or via social media: Instagram: @ignitegla | Twitter: @ignitegla | Periscope: @ignitegla | Snapchat: @ignitegla | YouTube: ignite Gla | Facebook: Ignite GLA | Blog: www.ignitegla.org
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