Tests on the turf, how tough, did not flag his zest to give himself no rest till his quest to scale the very crest of excellence all round, really served the best interest of Jesus.
This cardinal desire to live and die for the Most High is the whetstone for his self-sacrificing sanctity and love which generated his wish and eventual ability to grant scholarships to over 400 university students, majority of whom have graduated.
Yet not only these explain the rising popularity of this born young inspirational leader; besides all the scintillating qualities which make him the toast of many, the awe-inspiring Prophet El-Bernard gives precise descriptions. specific numbers, accurate names and non-embellished facts when in spiritual flight.
As attested to by the publisher himself, he was once in his church and witnessed the miracle of him stating even the specific street and house number of the uncle of a member who lived back in the United States.
His visible feats have compelled even the worst of die-hard skeptics to raise their brows helplessly as he stuns all with the minutest information- most infinitesimal details-like specific birth dates and phone numbers of one’s acquaintances. Such non-believers who think rational reasoning could explain away every acclaimed miracle, now wonder aloud how a mere human being could have so much power in him as to know so much about total strangers specifically.

The young, Spiritlife Revival Ministries’s founder and Executive Pastor who is clearly one of the most influential prophetic revelations from Ghana, turned out to be a very simple, approachable and humble, unassuming man when Pleasures Magazine had the pleasure of interacting with him. as he revealed some secrets behind God’s prophesies to His children and how some often misunderstand God’s prophesies.
A graduate of Business Administration from the reputed University of Ghana, Prophet EL Bernard started his high school education in Wenchi, a town in the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana before moving to Takoradi secondary, the capital city of the western region. Bernard had meanwhile converted to a Muslim for one year before he was converted to born-again Christianity.
His conversion was made possible through the exceptional Gospel ministration of Arch Bishop Duncan-Williams, He confessed however that he was not drawn to the teachings of the Archbishop but to his dress sense so was always on time for his TV talk making sure he never missed it. As he expressed it, ‘I converted to Muslim for one year before I became a Christian again. I was in a local church one Sunday morning when a man of God, Prophet Ernest Obeng-Amoako was preaching and he prophesied that there was a young man in the congregation whose name was Daniel. God wanted to use that young man in a very mighty way. He was not called Daniel he said but, ”I just felt in my spirit that I was the young man the man was referring to even though my name was not Daniel My spiritual name must be Daniel, I told myself …..So, I went out since no one else claimed to be the Daniel. Behold, the man of God confirmed that I was the one God was talking about. He next said I was about to work in a bank. This was true. I had just received a letter from a bank, appointing me a worker with them, He then told me that God was calling me to work for him so if I dared to work with the bank, I would end up in jail for 16 years.” That settled it. He needed no further prodding.
When challenged about the authenticity of such a prophecy as the man had missed his name, he elucidated that, that is how mysterious the prophesies of God can be at times, and that is the reason many people fail to understand the prophesies that are given to them at times.’
He took his time to assert that the prophecy of God is always perfect. He surmised that for all one knew, his father may have wished to name him Daniel. He proceeded to give some instances in which he had prophesied and they had seemed to be incorrect till further investigation proved him right.
He mentioned the instance of a Nigerian university lady. The Lord had told him that though she would complete the university, she would not be able to graduate. Why? It had to do with her index number. The Lord had given him her index number but she challenged it because it did not correspond with what she was using and had been using all along. So he asked her to go and check it from her admission letter.
To her shock, it was the number that he had quoted that was on her admission letter, not the one she was quoting and had really been using. Further investigations from the school administration turned out that she had no record of her academic life in the school because due to some error, her index number had been changed. That was how she was saved from schooling without graduating though she had doubted it at first due to her own ignorance, Same happens to many. he pointed out.
He stated another instance in which a young man had forgotten his own bank account so when he mentioned it to him, he had said it was wrong. Yet he had insisted it was the right number because the Lord had spoken to him and God could not be wrong. Even when the young man’s family members were called, they gave wrong numbers till the young man produced his cheque book only to find out that he, the prophet had been correct after all
In yet another instance, he recalled how a young man told him that he was a Nigerian but the Lord said he was a Cameroonians yet did not know it himself. The Lord, he said explained to him that they were originally Cameroonians but due to some issues there. His family had located to a village in Nigeria. The specific village’s name and particular state in Nigeria were given to him and it surprised the young man who confirmed that it was supposed to be where they hailed from, From that village, their family had moved to another in another state. The prophet revealed this too/ The young man confirmed it all.
The prophet’s own narration:
‘For instance, I was ministering in a service one day and a young man came to drop an offering and the Lord opened my eyes to see some revelations about the young man. I asked him where he came from and he said he was from Nigeria but I told him he was not from Nigeria. He was amazed and he argued that he was a Nigerian. Then I went on to tell him how his parent moved from Cameroon to settle in Nigeria. I even told the name of the village that they first settled and the one they later moved on to, and in the end, it happened that I was right because God cannot be wrong but man can. God’s knowledge is unlimited but man’s knowledge is. This is just one out of numerous instances like this.’
This was a classic case of the prophecy seeming inaccurate due to the ignorance of the one being prophesied to,
Back to the flow of his conversion, he had gone up to Prophet Ernest Obeng-Amoako who had now confirmed through the bank appointment revelation that he was indeed the ‘Daniel’ being sought/
Before then, when EL Bernard became born again he was a member of Prevailing Word Chapel where he was mentored by Rev Ebo Assan before he was subsequently called into the office of a prophetic ministration by God Himself.
‘ I was still less than three months old as a born again Christian when I began to receive messages from God, but I didn’t know that the messages I was receiving were prophesies, until much later when God opened my eyes through the help of my spiritual father. However, people had already started calling me a prophet though God did not call me a prophet.”
That however was how he began his journey into the prophetic ministry.
The Lord soon called him to go to Accra and begin raising souls there. He was however asked by God to wait till his spiritual father gave him permission.
When he informed his father, he asked to pray over it and in a few days, returned to tell him that the Lord had confirmed his call to him and therefore gave him his blessings, He consequently relocated to Accra but had to wait for two years more to begin the Bernard El Bernard Scholarship Foundation which was a campus-driven affair aimed, among others, at creating scholarships for needy students. The growing success of his foundation encouraged him the more to now add paripasu what is now the Spiritlife Revival Ministries.
Actually, he had started with the name Ever Einning Faith Chapel International. Later, the name changed to EagleLife Chapel International before he arrived at the current name, Spiritlife Revival Ministries also known as ‘Oracle’s place).
The mission of his church is to raise people with positive and prophetic mentality that would be relevant both in the church and circular society.
As encapsulated in the stated mission of the church, they are out
“To possess and teach the world that all things are possible through the preaching of the word of faith.
Prophet Bernard believes his mission is to redefine the prophetic ministry as well as liberate people and raise them into quality leaders, both in the spiritual realm and in the circular society.
“God sent me to teach that all things are possible through the preaching of the word of faith,”
And this is what really occupies him.
As hinted at already, as the CEO of EL Bernard Scholarship Foundation, he has so far sponsored over 400 university students with scholarships and most have graduated.
On how he came to be such a powerful prophet, his simple answer was he had learned to depend entirely on the one (God) who called him..
Prophet Bernard emphasized that the word of God is perfect but operating in an imperfect world, adding that the problem is not with the word of God but with how man interprets the word of God. He went on to say that the perfect word from a perfect God does not mislead anyone. That is why we as men should not doubt God’s prophesies when they are given through the prophets of God.
‘……The word of God says that ‘great signs shall follow them that believe………’he asserted the more.
On the essence of having a spiritual father(s) as a minister of God, Prophet Bernard said although he could not say categorically that it was compulsory that every prophet of God must have a spiritual father, he posited that any prophet of God that does not have somebody that can watch what he is doing and the way he is doing the things that he is doing and tell him to the face that he is doing well or not is heading to disaster. Hence, in his opinion, there is need for every child of God to have a spiritual father if such a person wants to do well in life or in ministry.
Known very well in Africa, Prophet Bernard receives numerous invites to preach in several other churches across the continent.
On how he mentors the younger or upcoming pastors/prophets under his spiritual tutelage, Prophet Bernard responded aptly:
‘……I believe that what makes one a good leader is his ability to impart on others the same quality of leadership that one possesses. Failure to do so, then the leader is not a good one…..’
For leadership in the circular society, particularly in Africa, the young. eloquent prophet said as an emerging economy, Africa needs a set of leaders that have the ability to look beyond the present and plan for the future of the continent, stressing this as the best way Africa would grow at par with the rest of the world.
‘…..Africa needs leaders that can see beyond today and develop a fifty – year or one – hundred year plan for the continent…… More so, I believe that Christians should be involved in the politics of Africa in so far as they do so in good faith. That is why the need to raise quality leaders for the continent and that is what we are doing in SpiritLife Revival ministry….’
On prosperity teachings by the new generation churches, Prophet Bernard said there was no earthly biological father that finds joy in the poverty of his children. Moreover, earthly parents do not derive joy in the fact that their children are poor, How can anyone think that God who is our creator and giver of all things, including riches, be happy to see us His children, poor? He said that God wants us to be rich and that is why He created riches and put them in the world for us.
‘…….I believe that as long as the quest for prosperity does not distort your Christianity race, then there is absolutely no problem about that. For instance, if God had not blessed me with prosperity, I wouldn’t have been able to give scholarship to under-privileged young ones as I am doing. So, I don’t know why people should confuse themselves with the prosperity preaching in the church. As children of God, we are to prosper. God says so in His word….’
Prophet Bernard talked also about tithing, saying that everyone has their own opinion about the issue of tithing. But as far as he was concerned, tithing is not a compulsion. If anyone feels like paying his tithe, such should not be discouraged and if anyone feels he is not obliged to pay tithes, such also should not be forced to do so. It is a personal thing.
Furthermore, the prophet talked about what should guide upcoming pastors on the choice of their life partners (wives). He said budding pastors should first discover their destiny and their destination before making the choice of life partners so that they would not get misled.
On why he takes delight in helping, he said he was doing so because he had walked on the road of poverty and knew what it felt like. Moreover, he helps mostly because he had made a covenant with God that should He (God) bless him with prosperity, he would use his wealth to bless the less endowed around him. He went on to say that, he had no regrets being a prophet of God and nothing else gives him more satisfaction than doing the work of God and equally helping people.
Prophet Bernard, quite down to earth, spoke only mildly about the impact of his ministry so far, apparently being careful not to massage his ego. However, it can’t be taken away that the ministry has touched the lives of tens of thousands positively. Some people who had lost hope of going further with their education have been privileged to go further through the help of his ministry. The list is too long to mention. Just let it suffice that the ministry has influenced greatly on many people. Let God be the one to take the glory for His grace.
Maybe his own words present it just succinctly:
‘…..When God calls you genuinely, it will reflect in all that you do. God has been manifesting His great glory through my ministry and I give Him all the praise for His blessings upon my life.
Spiritlife Revival Ministries is located at Adenta SDA Junction Accra Ghana
Website: www.spiritliferevivalministries.org
Email: spiritliferevivalministries1@gmail.com , hell@spiritliferevivalministries.org
Tel: +233 23 40 777 88
Sunday Executive Service:
8:30Am – 11:00Am