“ Unspoken thoughts never achieved much.
Lethal ideas shared unearth hidden opportunities beyond the reach of mere dreamers…Dreams do come through with affirmative action “ – CharlesOTudor

Over the years I get swarmed after speaking at thought sessions by individuals with diverse needs and probing questions.

Unfortunately,such environment hardly serve the purpose for one on one interactive sessions.

On all my social media platforms I get loads of enquiries on startups,branding,strategy and life issues.

Reality is that there are people out there who look up to us as beacons of hope and a sort of pathfinder.

This invariably requires a one on one session which unfortunately would not be cost effective.

So what’s the way out?

TheCONVERSATION is an evening conceptualized for interfaces between Charles O’Tudor and individuals with probing questions on branding, strategy, entrepreneurship, startups, life, relationships and any other relevant issues.

It’s strictly an evening of intellectual discuss based on a Question and Answer format.
Same would be rounded up with a buffet for all participants.

*The high point would be the surprise appearance of my celebrity guests [ The list remains undisclosed till the event].
All these at a discounted fee of N25,000

[ The #First #35 people get to pay an early bird rate of N20,000 ]

To reserve your #RedSeat at this event please credit GTB account number 0004693867 with the sum of N25,000 and send your details to +234 ‭803 686 8368‬

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